Saturday, 21 May 2011

An opportunity.

Hello people!
We're giving an open chance to our fan-zine lovers. You can contribute us a piece of art-work or an article. We shall be selecting top 2 users and will publish their work into our fan-zine.

Rules for entering:-

1) You should be our follower on the blog.
2) You should be a registered user on the official WinxClub website.
3) You should like our FaceBook page & follow us on Twitter.

If you're really interested, kindly complete the above criteria and send us an email on the following address:-
Please, don't expect a reply back, because we can't really reply each one of you. We will directly inform the selected ones via email.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, keep visiting.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

An interview with Fantazyme

Hello people!
At the moment, we have a new announcement on the home-page. It's basically an interview with (fantazyme), she's an artist. I actually love her drawings, since they are totally lovely and adorable.
Have a look at her statement:-

"Well... I'm very calm and friendly person, sometime i like to stay alone and just draw... draw all time.
Drawing is my hobby.. and my future job i think, because i love drawing more than other things. I started drawing from about 4 years ago.. and till now as you see i didn't stop it.
To draw picture for spring contest... I was inspired by spring, such sweet time of year... and Flora suits for spring very good... so I decide to draw her.
So people, if you want to draw something- attach in your drawing all your soul: your emotions, and that drawing will be the best one. And other people will notice it too!"

Congratulations to you, we enjoyed your art-work.
On the other hand, we wanted to inform all of you that there's a new contest going on in the English forum.
Kindly check it out if you're interested, click the picture:-

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, keep visiting.
Thank you!

Blog Re-establishment

Hello Friends,
We're glad to inform all of you that we have re-established the whole blog. As you can see, it's basically (Winx Forum & Zine) at the moment. We came up with an idea of establishing a cute (kawaii) typo blog, it's actually a forum blog along with the magazine. We were kinda exploring certain fan-made websites and blogs, since most of them are based upon the latest scoop of news, we though of doing something really different and enjoyable.

We shall be posting up news related to the official WinxClub forum & magazine. 
We would like to thank certain people for helping us in the establishment of the blog:-

1) Natasha
2) Leonardo
3) Azura

It was basically their idea to re-establish everything, and they were really in-love with our forum-zine. So, thanks to them for helping us so much!

PS: Please, don't click on (Comments RSS) button, it's actually in-active at the moment. 

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, keep visiting.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Winx English Mag Issue# 4

Hello people, 
Okay guys, so here it is ....

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!